ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who are ready to live fearless and free…
carry the mantle of destiny with honor and bravery
This Is Your Moment To Step Into The 
Fullness Of Your Destiny
Empowered Women
The replay for the webinar with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
“Destiny Empowered Women” 
will be posted here soon
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with 
Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
“Destiny Empowered Women” 
(Note: This video includes the Q&A in the latter part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer:
“Destiny Empowered Women” 
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer:
“Destiny Empowered Women” 
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to hear more about this amazing class from 
Melodie VanAlstyne
Dr. Glenisaah's POWERFUL opening remarks and prayer
Endorsement by Dr. James W. Goll
What do you have in your hand?
Powerful message by Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
Invitation from Dr. Glenisaah
What do you have in your hand?
Short closing prayer in Destiny Empowered Women led by Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
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Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
Are you at the intersection of hesitation and hope, wondering how to seize your divine calling and unleash its extraordinary power? 

Woman of God — this is your moment to step into the fullness of your destiny.
For wherever you stand, whether in the warmth of your home or the hustle of your daily endeavors, know this: Your role is essential, filled with intention, and brimming with the promise of what could be through Jesus. 

History shines with the accounts of women who, fueled by tender compassion and unwavering faith, shifted the course of their days. Ordinary yet remarkable women—women just like you—who took a deep breath of courage and ventured into the heart of their divine missions.

And as a destiny empowered woman, you stand as a living testament that no gesture of kindness is ever wasted in the Kingdom’s economy. You are not just a participant in the narrative; you are a carrier of the legacy of your King.  
Strong Women
If you desire to take your rightful place among the ranks of women empowered by destiny, step boldly into a life that resonates with divine purpose, power, and prophetic fulfillment, and become fearless in the pursuit of your divine destiny, I invite you to join me in…
Empowered Women
Destiny empowered women
fearless & free
7-Session Class with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
Are you a woman of faith battling the shadows of doubt, eager to embrace the courage that Christ's love offers?

Perhaps you're longing to live boldly, to step forward in conviction, and to embrace your divine purpose with unwavering faith.
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
Daughter of God, your Heavenly Father is calling you to seize your destiny with His grace, making His voice the compass of your journey.

Despite the world's resistance to Biblical truths, He is ready to equip you with everything needed to fulfill the unique role He has envisioned for you.

That’s why, in her upcoming class, Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer will guide you through the powerful Empowered Women: Fearless & Free devotional by Dr. James W. & Michal Ann Goll.

Through this class and devotional, you will encounter mighty women of faith — such as Joan of Arc and Corrie ten Boom, along with many others — who once stood where you stand now. They sought courage, embraced boldness, and, through the Holy Spirit, discovered extraordinary strength that enabled them to lead impactful lives for Jesus.
clear path
This is more than education; it’s a transformative journey into the very heart of God’s grace, arm-in-arm with a sisterhood of women who are claiming their freedom and letting His love illuminate their path.

If your heart is stirring with a resounding yes to confidently step into your divine calling, to ignite your spirit, to shine with the promises destined for you, and to carry the mantle of destiny with honor and bravery — then this extraordinary class awaits you. 
In this class, you will:
  • Discover Your Divine Blueprint: Unearth the specifics of your unique destiny through guided journaling and scripture, embodying the lessons of fearless faith exemplified by inspiring Biblical figures.
  • ​Lead with Grace and Strength: Learn the balance of honor and humility as cornerstones of transformative leadership and find encouragement through the stories of extraordinary women of faith.
  • ​Embrace Your Sacred Calling: Participate in an anointing ceremony to solidify your dedication to God’s plan, practicing leadership with a Holy resolve to fulfill your earthly mission.
  • Armor Up for Spiritual Warfare: Equip yourself with the full armor of God to navigate life's battles, transforming trials into triumphs, and cultivating a victorious mindset rooted in scriptural promises.
  • Harness the Strength of the Holy Spirit: Learn to draw upon the power of the Holy Spirit to renew your mind, break free from self-doubt, and live with undivided devotion to God, even in chaotic times.
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Class Lessons
Overview of the “Destiny Empowered Women”
7-Session Class

Course description by Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer

Session 1: Your Destiny Throne: A Journey of Purpose and Passion
This session, rooted in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, calls upon you to find clarity and courage, urging every woman to pursue her distinct purpose. Engage in reflective journaling, draw strength from scripture, and learn to hear Destiny's Call. Rise with conviction, embrace meditation to reveal your true brilliance, and fuel the passion that drives your destiny. Commit to your path, awaken your spirit, and step into the brilliance awaiting you.

Devotional readings for this session include the first two devotionals:
  • Fearless & Free
  • ​Dare to Dream
Session 2: Aligning Your Dreams with Divine Intention
In this session, you will delve into the transformative power of dreams, guided by the wisdom of Proverbs 29:18, and learn to create a vision that echoes with divine purpose. Build the courage to commit, crafting a vision board with the strength of Joshua 1:9 to fortify your resolve. Break through mental barriers with guided meditation, renewing your mind as Romans 12:2 encourages, to discern God's perfect will. And finally, step into a prayer circle to experience profound soul restoration, walking the pathways of God’s pleasure as revealed in Psalm 23:3. Embrace this session to align your aspirations with Jesus—where your dreams and His intentions meet, your destiny unfolds.

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Courage For the Cause: Joan of Arc
  • ​Exposed To the Wild Beast: Vibia Perpetua
  • ​I Met God! Sojourner Truth
  • ​The Moses of Her People: Harriet Tubman
Creating Vision Board
Session 3: Your Destiny Crown: Cherishing Honor and Humility
In session 3, you will explore the powerful duality that shapes impactful leadership—how to wear the Crown of Honor with dignity and worthiness, inspired by the promise of Proverbs 4:9. Then, embrace the Crown of Humility, understanding the profound strength it brings. As you write notes of encouragement, embody the humility that Proverbs 22:4 assures will lead to life, prosperity, and true honor. You will learn how to adorn your destiny with honor and humility and discover the royal road to transformative leadership. 

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Overcoming Challenges: Aimee Simple McPherson
  • ​The Peace of Jerusalem: Lidia Prince
  • Prelude to Revival By: Bertha Smith
  • ​Saving God’s People: Corrie Ten Boom
  • ​Turning Darkness into Light: Jackie Pullinger-To
  • ​You are Chosen!
  • ​Seize the Day
Session 4: Destiny’s Mantle: Recognizing and Taking Responsibility for Your Divine Mission
This session will help you discern and accept your unique role within God's master plan. Be part of a sacred anointing ceremony, drawing inspiration from 1 John 2:27, to solidify your commitment to your calling. Learn what it truly means to resolve to reign, taking the helm of leadership in your life with purpose and power, as Revelation 5:10 envisions. Through leadership role-play, you'll practice governance in your domain, preparing to step into your divine right to reign on earth. Be anointed for your assignment, for it's your time to wear the mantle of destiny with honor and authority.

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Inner Quiet Prayer
  • ​Meeting God
  • Enter the Secret Place
  • ​Intimacy with God
  • ​The Secret Place of: Teresa Avila
  • ​Spiritual Intimacy: Madame Jeanne Guyon
  • ​Powerful Song By: Fanny Crosby
Session 5: Gear Up with Destiny’s Armor: Preparing Spiritually and Mentally for Life's Battles
This pivotal session will equip you to stand firm against adversities, rooted in the wisdom of Ephesians 6:11, guiding you to clothe yourself in the full armor of God. Rise with the resilience and grace of an eagle, sharing in group reflections to celebrate personal victories, emboldened by the promise in Isaiah 40:31. Embrace the heart of a conqueror, hear moving testimonies of triumph, and learn to navigate life's trials with the poise promised in Romans 8:37. Prepare to emerge more than a conqueror—armed, ready, and unstoppable. Your battle plan for a victorious life awaits so that you become unshakeable.

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Innovator and Educator: Susanna Wesley
  • The Sisterhood of Mary: Basilea Schlink
  • End-Time Handmaidens: Gwen Shaw
  • ​To Know Christ: Elizabeth Alves
  • Going to the Cross
  • ​The Pilgrim’s Progress 
  • ​Will you Join Me?
Joan of Arc
Session 6: Scepter of Righteousness and Justice: Cultivating a Life of Integrity
In this session, you will explore the divine call to clothe yourself with the robes of righteousness, an attire not earned by deeds but bestowed through faith. You will delve into a life that mirrors the Kingdom of Heaven, prioritizing the righteousness that comes from God as highlighted in Matthew 6:33. You will discover how to weave integrity into the fabric of your life, ensuring that with every decision, you wield the scepter of righteousness with honor. 

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Justice, Righteous, and Compassion
  • The Power of Tears
  • Trailblazer for Women: Catherine Booth
  • ​Beloved Women of the Cherokee: Nancy Word
  • More than a Nurse: Florence Nightingale
  • ​Approved by God: Gladys Aylward
  • ​The Paragon of Compassion: Mother Teresa
Session 7: Your Divine Commission: Step into Your God-Given Purpose with Boldness and Authority
This session is a dynamic call to action—empowering you to take decisive steps toward fulfilling your Heavenly commission. Deepen your commitment to your specific assignments from God, aligning with the empowering promise of Acts 1:8. Learn to embody fearlessness in pursuit of your calling, inspired by tales of courage shared among peers and the fortifying words of Deuteronomy 31:6. As we conclude, join in a powerful anointing and activation prayer, standing together in faith and unity to declare each participant ready to conquer their calling with the strength of Philippians 4:13. This is not just a workshop—it's an activation into your destiny. Claim your rightful place as the bearer of your divine commission. Your time to act boldly, with authority and courage, is now.

Devotional readings for this session include:
  • Five Empowered
  • Empowered Living: Heidi Baker
  • Make it Personal
  • ​Empowered Through Compassion
  • Become Empowered Today
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How this class Works
This is a LIVE 7-session class with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer. 

Each of the 1.5-hour sessions includes teaching, activation, student interaction, and Q&A. 

The first LIVE session will be on Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 4 pm Eastern
The 7 main Sessions:
  • ​Session 1: Your Destiny Throne: A Journey of Purpose and Passion
  • ​Session 2: Aligning Your Dreams with Divine Intention
  • ​Session 3: Your Destiny Crown: Cherishing Honor and Humility
  • ​Session 4: Destiny’s Mantle: Recognizing and Taking Responsibility for Your Divine Mission
  • ​Session 5: Gear Up with Destiny’s Armor: Preparing Spiritually and Mentally for Life's Battles
  • ​Session 6: Scepter of Righteousness and Justice: Cultivating a Life of Integrity
  • ​Session 7: Your Divine Commission: Step into Your God-Given Purpose with Boldness and Authority
Each session includes:
  • An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A video replay
Empowered Women: Fearless and Free
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You’ll also receive the following
60% Cash Savings
The normal retail price for this 7-Session LIVE Class and all associated resources is $1000. However, you receive a $600 savings, making your price only $400.
Cash Savings
70% Cash Savings
(Must sign up by november 25)
The normal retail price for this 7-Session LIVE Class and all associated resources is $1000. However, you receive a $700 savings, making your price only $300.
Cash Savings
bonus message set
The Best of Heroines of Faith: Women on the Frontlines
12-Message Set with Michal Ann & James W. Goll
(Must sign up by November 21)
Prepare to be carried to new heights as you delve into tales of bravery, love, and spiritual intimacy!

The "Best of Heroines of Faith" 12-Message Set brings together the essence of three profound series: "The Best of a Call to Courage," "The Best of A Call to Compassion," and "The Best of A Call to the Secret Place." As you listen to these powerful messages from Michal Ann and Dr. James W. Goll, highlighting testimonies from simple women of faith throughout the ages who have done great exploits in the name of Jesus, you will step into courage. 

It’s a clarion call to embrace bravery, nurture compassion, and seek the divine whisper in the quiet places.

Each set, lovingly presented by Michal Ann and James W. Goll, promises to embolden, and inspire you to become a living testament to the transformative power of faith.

Empowered Women: 
Fearless and Free 
40-Day Devotional by James W. & 
Michal Ann Goll
(Must sign up by november 18)
Step into the place where love has the final say!

Each of the forty devotions within these pages is a testament to the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ. These women, from various eras and walks of life, all shared a common bond: a deep, unwavering devotion to Christ and a willingness to walk boldly in their calling.

"Empowered Women" is more than a book; it's an invitation to step into the legacy of these heroic figures. It's a call to face your fears, embrace God's presence, and carry His fiery love into your world. As you delve into these devotions, the Holy Spirit beckons you to join this brave sisterhood of fearless and free women, encouraging you to seize your destiny and dive into the depths of God's grace, where fear is defeated, and love reigns supreme.

bonus devotional
bonus teaching
Unlocking Mysteries: 
An Exclusive VIP Experience discussing the Supernatural and Mystical Realms
Group Coaching Session with 
Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
(Must sign up by november 15)
Step into a realm of discovery and empowerment with our VIP group coaching session, meticulously designed for women ready to explore the mystical and supernatural. Guided by the insightful Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer, this experience offers a unique platform for in-depth discussions and personal revelations about the unseen world.

But this journey offers more than just conversation. It's an opportunity to deeply understand and contextualize your mystical experiences, laying a foundation to move forward confidently in your God-given destiny. In this nurturing and open environment, you'll not only share and explore personal encounters but also gain vital insights and tools to integrate these experiences into your life's path.

Embark on a path towards understanding and embracing your spiritual destiny. This is your chance to transform curiosity into knowledge, and experiences into a profound journey of self-discovery and divine alignment.
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Awesome Testimonies
Maureen Carruthers, Canada
Nancy Castaneda, California
More testimonies will be posted here by November 16th
All of this teaching was so helpful! It is a confirmation that I am called and that the time is now! — F.S.

This is a wonderful ongoing revelation, that continuously spoke to my heart.  — S.M.

Wowzers!! Dr. Glenisaah is so anointed, honest and powerful! Thank you for sharing and empowering us to fulfill our destinies. This was such a treat!  — K.H.

There were so many confirmations and new revelations I received from this teaching. The more we use our voice and the sound goes out, the more freedom we will receive !! Thank you so much for this necessary, and empowering message!  — S.J.
Thank you! This message gave me the power to keep doing what I feel God leading me to as I have been home recovering from a long term illness! — C.C. 

This is so powerful! Excitement is just bubbling up inside of me...I'm ready to go!!! — E.C.

So powerful! The restoration of Jesus is for all things! I felt myself asking the question, where have I had restoration that I didn't realize? Where else do I need restoration? How much more powerful will my voice be once those things are restored? Praise God! — E.S.

I so enjoyed that I could feel the presence and love of God flowing from the presenters! — K.H.
Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
summary of what you get
7 LIVE Sessions ($1000 value)
  • LIVE Session 1 (Sun, Jan 7 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • LIVE Session 2 (Sun, Jan 14 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • LIVE Session 3 (Sun, Jan 21 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • LIVE Session 4 (Sun, Jan 28 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • ​LIVE Session 5  (Sun, Feb 4 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • LIVE Session 6 (Sun, Feb 11 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • ​LIVE Session 7 (Sun, Feb 18 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
  • 60% savings: $400 instead of $1000
  • 70% savings: $300 instead of $1000 (sign up by Nov 25)
  • The Best of Heroines of Faith: Women on the Frontlines — 12-Message Set with Michal Ann & James W. Goll (sign up by Nov 21)
  • Empowered Women: Fearless and Free – 40-Day Devotional by James W. & Michal Ann Goll (sign up by Nov 18)
  • Unlocking Mysteries – Group Coaching Session with Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer (sign up by Nov 15)
Additional benefits
  • LIFETIME class access
  • ​Video replays
  • ​MP3 audio
The Empower 2000 Guarantee
This life-transforming class will empower you to become fearless in the pursuit of your divine destiny!

If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
Empowered Women: Fearless and Free
Destiny Empowered Women
Priority Order Form
YES! I want to step into the fullness of my destiny!
And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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  • Log into your Teachable account.
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Note: Not all Empower 2000 class members are Empower Disciples members. The Empower Disciples membership is a separate paid membership that offers special benefits, including discounts for LIVE classes, extra bonus classes, and more. 
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Mentoring with James Goll
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Blessings to live empowered!
Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer

Dr. Glenisaah Stauffer
Dr. Glenisaah Deborah Stauffer is an ordained minister and Prophet Statesman who serves as an international Kingdom Ambassador. She is passionately dedicated to Yahweh's Presence, prayer, justice, and the destiny of nations. As a Transformational Coach and Consultant, her work has significantly impacted many lives and international, Government Ambassadors.
She is a dynamic woman, with an entrepreneurial spirit, epitomized by her establishment of the KingdomHeir Embassy Group. This organization was founded to empower marketplace leaders by enhancing their business and ministry mandates. She has greatly enjoyed serving and working with Empower 2000 as a lead strategic apostolic and prophetic consultant for almost a decade, and now recently as a board member. Additionally, she founded The Bench of Deborah Consulting, a platform guiding individuals to understand and comprehend their Kingdom Image - ID-entity with God's ways for success at home, business, and ministry. 

She is also the creative force behind the Destiny Empowered Women Workshops and "The King and Shadda'Yah" by implementing empowering H.E.R. Purpose Initiatives. Prayer is the foundation that undergirds her work as Glenisaah infuses Kingdom principles into every area, bridging the gap between a woman's story, her voice, and her message.

These projects have been strategically designed to empower women by enhancing and unleashing their potential to live out their destinies and divine assignments, all the while creating fulfilling legacies. This is forged out of the courage to overcome all obstacles, combined with spirit, soul, body, and heart fitness.
Empowered Women: Fearless and Free
Copyright 2023 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.